Please tell me more about injectables to help with my continence.

Injectables or bulking agents are materials that can be injected through a telescope into the tissues near the bladder neck in order to build up passive resistance to leakage at the bladder outlet. The material most often used for this in men is collagen, which is processed cowhide. A skin test must be done a month before to make sure there is no allergic reaction to the foreign protein. Though once thought to be a promising, minimally invasive alternative for stress incontinence in men, this form of treatment has largely fallen out of favor with urologists. It usually requires many separate injection procedures over 6 months to a year, and then the benefits tend to be incomplete and temporary. The collagen may not be able to bulk the tissue adequately, which is scarred from prior surgery. It also tends to leak out or break down over time due to its protein makeup. Some patients may be more suitable candidates for this than others, and some urologists may have better results with this technique. Source:

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